Access and review comprehensive employee profiles within Albus using the integrated features of Pingboard for efficient information retrieval.
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Efficient Information Retrieval
AI-powered search capabilities enable users to quickly find relevant information within the integrated communication tools like Simpplr. This can include documents, messages, files, or specific discussions. By streamlining information retrieval, users can save time and make more informed decisions without the need to manually sift through a large volume of data.
Contextual Insights
Get contextual insights into discussions happening inside Simpplr, helping users to better understand the nuances of ongoing conversations, identify key points, and stay informed without having to read through entire threads.
Automated Task Management
Automate certain aspects of task management by intelligently extracting action items and deadlines from communications. This integration allows for the creation of reminders, task lists, and updates within the communication tools. This helps teams stay organized, ensures that tasks are not overlooked, and improves overall project management efficiency.
Here's what we do to protect your information:
State-of-the-art encryption, permissions aware and security protocols
CCPA and GDPR compliant