Simplify the process of finding design information by searching Zeplin in Albus with our streamlined Zeplin integration.
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Experience powerful search functionality within Zeplin, allowing users to quickly locate design assets, components, or files. This significantly improves efficiency by reducing the time spent manually searching for specific elements. Albus can analyze design context and provide intelligent insights or suggestions based on the user's current project or task. This helps designers make informed decisions and ensures that they are aware of relevant information during the design process.
Create customizable workflows that suit specific design processes. This includes automating repetitive tasks, setting up alerts for design updates, and streamlining the overall design lifecycle for increased productivity while using Zeplin.
Albus can assist in version control and history tracking within Zeplin. Designers can quickly retrieve previous versions of a design or track changes, ensuring better collaboration and allowing for easy rollback to earlier iterations if needed.
Here's what we do to protect your information:
State-of-the-art encryption, permissions aware and security protocols
CCPA and GDPR compliant